How do I sign in to my profile?
On your Aviron Machine: If you have an existing profile on our website, simply select the SIGN IN option in the center of your screen. Otherwise, please select CREATE PROFILE and follow the onscreen steps to complete your profile by entering your email and choosing a password.
On the companion app: You'll be prompted to log in as soon as you open the application. Please enter your email and password on this screen to log in.
Check out this video guide:
How do I set up a Quick Login so the machine remembers my password?
On your Aviron Machine: You can select the "Forgot Password" button at the log in screen. This will allow you to create a new password and stay logged in on your rower.
On the website: Please navigate to the Profile section on our website. At the bottom, you'll find the option to "Set Password"
Once a password has been set on your profile, you can simply tap on your profile picture to log in without the need to input your password
Here is a guide to help:
How do I add another profile?
To add more users to your machine, you must first be logged out of your profile. To logout, select the user icon on the bottom left corner of the screen and select the logout button near the left hand side of your screen.
Then, simply select the CREATE PROFILE option under SIGN IN. You will now have the option to sign up with a new email address or sign in with an existing Aviron account.
The new profile user must have a separate email address in order to create a login.
Also, as long as you have a membership on the rower, all users will be able to access the membership features.
You can watch this handy walkthrough here:
How do I remove a profile?
To remove a profile, hold down on the username and a trashcan icon will appear, which you can select to remove the profile from the rower.
Feel free to check out this video guide: